© Vincent Munier 3 OSO – Wild visions from Asturias This film is an immersion into the breath taking wild setting of the Cantabrian Mountains, taking the viewer on an unprecedented natural experience to meet the Cantabrian brown bears. Following the...
Bell Museum

Bell Museum

© Jim Brandenburg 3 WITH BELL MUSEUM FollowFocus ensured the editing of the movie Images of Home (20 minutes), directed by wildlife photographer and filmmaker Jim Brandenburg and now continuously displayed at the Bell Museum of the University of Minnesota. OTHER...


© Vincent Munier 3 With Kobalann Publishing Kobalann is an independent publishing house created by French photographer Vincent Munier. His aim: to offer beautiful books illustrated with photographs or paintings and drawings, as well as cross-media products, from...
Livelihoods Funds

Livelihoods Funds

© Hellio – Van Ingen 3 With Livelihoods Funds The Livelihoods investment funds are supported by private companies committed to generating impact while offsetting their carbon footprint or transforming their supply chains. They implements projects with...


© Vincent Munier 3 Scandinavia, the call of the North From early fall in the taïga to late winter in the tundra, french wildlife photographer Vincent Munier takes us on a trip and shares his experiences of the animal world. Unusual encounters with arctic foxes,...