Laurent Joffrion

Director Producer

I grew up in the french countryside and I have always been fond of nature. But it is really when I moved to Australia, in order to study multimedia and digital tools, that I first experienced the idea of wilderness. My journeys have forged a strong connexion to our planet’s natural heritage ever since. The relationship that unites man with his environment definitely inspires me to tell stories that highlight the value of biodiversity and the commitment to the conservation of nature.

I have worked with several film producers and television channels, in France and abroad, and some of my films achieved worldwide recognition at national and international festivals. Besides this documentary work, I have created a development structure, named FollowFocus, allowing me to explore new narrative forms and media vehicles. On one hand, FollowFocus collaborates with broadcasting platforms, institutions or associations; on the other hand it initiates creative projects, thanks to a participatory approach. Writers, photographers, editors, graphic designers or digital imagery technicians can share abilities according to the subject.

Laurent Joffrion-realisateur

I grew up in the french countryside and I have always been fond of nature. But it is really when I moved to Australia, in order to study multimedia and digital tools, that I first experienced the idea of wilderness. My journeys have forged a strong connexion to our planet’s natural heritage ever since. The relationship that unites man with his environment definitely inspires me to tell stories that highlight the value of biodiversity and the commitment to the conservation of nature.

I have worked with several film producers and television channels, in France and abroad, and some of my films achieved worldwide recognition at national and international festivals. Besides this documentary work, I have created a development structure, named FollowFocus, allowing me to explore new narrative forms and media vehicles. On one hand, FollowFocus collaborates with broadcasting platforms, institutions or associations; on the other hand it initiates creative projects, thanks to a participatory approach. Writers, photographers, editors, graphic designers or digital imagery technicians can share abilities according to the subject.


Nature 365

(2016 – web documentary – 365min)

Nordic Variations – Forollhogna Mission

(2011 – web documentary)

Nordic Variations – Dovrefjell Mission

(2011 – art folios and DVD set)

Institutional / Non-profit projects

Forests & Livelihoods (web series for the Livelihoods Fund) :

2017, in Peru
2016, in Kenya
2014, in Sumatra
2011, in Congo
2010, in the Sundarbans
2010, in India

Kobalann Publishing – Vincent Munier

2016, Arctique
2015, Deers at night

The Nikon experience (web series for Nikon Corporation)

2012, Elusive shadows
2009, Summer variations

Pixel workshops

2014, Dakar Expo
2013, Khaimaazrah